Business Methods

The First National Bank of Fort Collins is under the supervision and jurisdiction of the United States government. At least twice each year it is examined by the National Bank Examiner and reported to the Comptroller of the Currency. It is required five times each year to render a sworn statement of the condition of the bank to the department, and also to the public, through the press.

In addition to this, a committee of the Board of Directors verifies and audits all the assets of the bank quarterly and passes upon all loans. The officers and employees are under bonds, and besides every known mechanical protection for its cash and valuable papers, the bank is amply protected by the best burglary and hold-up insurance.

The character and responsibility of the men on its Board of Directors, the experience and ability of its officers, the ample capital and large surplus, and the prosperous condition, as shown by its earnings, means ample protection to depositors. The officers have always aimed to keep abreast of the times and yet be conservative. It is a thoroughly equipped and modern institution. It desires your business and has every facility for properly caring for the same.

Meeting Room for Board of Directors

Fort Collins Museum of Discovery          Poudre River Public Library District
Preserving the history of Fort Collins, Colorado & the Cache la Poudre region