Recognizing the demand for a place of security and safety for the surplus funds of this community, where the same can earn a reasonable percentage, without danger of loss, or annoyance on the part of the investor, the Board of Directors, with their usual degree of progressiveness have established a savings department, which will be under the rigid examination of the United States government, the same as every other department of this bank.
A regular pass book will be issued, and four per cent interest paid on these accounts, but no checking will be allowed. Accounts from one dollar and up will be received.
We shall be pleased to have all who desire the advantage of a savings department which is subject to the rigid examination of the United States government and backed by a very strong Board of Directors, with ample capital and surplus, to call and have a personal interview with us regarding the same.
Our capital and surplus of over $225,000.00 is a guarantee of safety to all our depositors.
Preserving the history of Fort Collins, Colorado & the Cache la Poudre region