The following links are to a chronological index of Fort Collins information compiled by Fort Collins Museum volunteers in the 1990s.
The information is from these reference sources and they are noted in the Time Line. There is also a Brief Time Line available.
The need for reform in Fort Collins' city government had been a local topic since the late 1940s. Voter reluctance to change the structure of the local government led city officials to take steps to gradually move the city toward a more efficient system by using special powers, as with the placement of Guy Palmes as city manager in 1949. This movement led to the need to revise the city charter to reflect the actual system of government. To this end the local chapter of the National League of Women Voters, formed in 1951, supported an analysis of the government, an updated charter, and voter education to convince the public. The effort was rewarded when, on October 5, 1954, a new city charter was adopted by special election.
Under the council-manager form of government, the City Manager is given administration of the city. He is hired and fired by the city council, He attends council meetings, but has no vote. The mayor in this form of government is chosen by the council. He does not have the discretionary powers a mayor in the council-mayor form has. Authority for decision making resides in the council.
The charter also expanded the council from three to five members. And it created the following departments: Finance, Health, Fire, Municipal Public Utilities, Parks and Recreation, Police and Public Works, and Aviation. However, only the aviation function was wholly new. The new charter did not become operative until April, 1955.
City government officials had a new building in 1958. A new city hall at 300 LaPorte Avenue was dedicated on June 8. It replaced a building which had been in use since 1882. A new county courthouse was dedicated in August, 1957. It was built on the 200 block of West Oak, in Courthouse Square.
While Fort Collins was modernizing its' government and municipal offices, it was losing two prominent elements of its' history. In 1955 drought and high winds caused a reduction of sugar beet acreage in the area. Consequently, Great Western Sugar Company announced it would not operate its' local factory in the fall. The plant, which had provided much of the city's prosperity during the first four decades of the 1900s and had great influence on the city's demography, would never reopen. After the plant closed, area beet farmers shipped their produce to either the Loveland or Windsor plants.
In 1952 the local streetcar system became the last such operation in Colorado to end its' services. The trolley had been costing the city money for several years and the cars were not in good condition. The establishment of an independent bus company in Fort Collins in June, 1951, made the loss easier for local commuters. However, Bussard Bus Company's Fort Collins operation did not match the trolley's longevity. It ended its' services in December, 1955.
Another piece of Fort Collins history was lost in 1950. The Welch House, also owned by Charles Evans, was torn down to clear ground for a new Safeway store on the northwest corner of College and Mulberry. The house had been built in 1899 by Corwin R. Welch, owner of the region's largest dry goods store at the time.
A man who sought to keep western history alive passed away in November, 1953. Frank Miller, Jr., died at the age of 67 following a heart attack. He had been afflicted with heart disease for several years.
In 1951 Horsetooth Reservoir, completed in 1949 as part of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project, finally received its' first water from the Big Thompson River through the Charles Hansen Canal, although major deliveries in the system did not begin until 1953. In addition to collecting irrigation water, the reservoir supplies water to the City of Fort Collins and to Colorado State University. The reservoir is also a favorite recreation spot for activities such as fishing, boating, water skiing, sailing, and picnicking.
During the decade another local recreational facility was provided for the city by the efforts of the Elks Club. The swimming pool at City Park was built with the aid of a fund-raising campaign conducted by the Elks, as the city had no money for the project. Drowning incidents involving children swimming in irrigation ditches led to citizens' desire for a pool.
Water also caused seven deaths in Larimer County when flash floods followed three inches of rainfall on August 3, 1955. The storm cost about $1 million in damages, including an estimated $270,000 damages at Colorado A & M. The following year area farmers experienced what they thought to be the most destructive storm they'd ever seen locally. In June a hailstorm caused $4 million dollars in damage to crops over a twenty mile wide circle around Fort Collins.
Between the years 1944 and 1955 the city of Fort Collins doubled in size. This increase was brought about by a post war building boom and the annexation of the college campus, which was experiencing some growth of its' own. With increased emphasis on research and on providing more diverse fields of study, the school offered its' first doctoral program in 1951, and became Colorado State University in 1957. The College's first Ph. D. was granted in 1955 to A. R. Chamberlain, later president of C. S. U. President William E. Morgan spearheaded the move to university status and the implementation of a building program to provide housing for expected increases in enrollment.
Miller collection -COLORADOAN (7/5/1955)
There was a reduction of sugar beet acreage in the Fort Collins area because of drought and high winds. In May, this reduction resulted in the Great Western Sugar Company's announcement that it will not operate its' Fort Collins factory next Fall. It was never reopened!
The Factory closed at the end of the 1954 beet season. Farmers were using trucks rather than teams & wagons by the 1950s, to transport the beets to the dumps. From there, they were still hauled by rail. After the factory closed, most area beets were shipped to Loveland for processing. Others were sent to Windsor or to the Greeley factory.
Fort Collins near coal stock crisis (1-17-1950 25/6)
Coal lack shuts Ft. Collins jail (3-2-1950 6/2 SE)
Fort Collins Production and Marketing Administration office to be transferred here (5-25-1950 47/4)
Production and Marketing Administration move to Denver assailed--Gould (6-15-1950 56/8)
Businessmen picket Price and Marketing offices for moving to Denver (6-16-1950 44/1)
Giant lumber production program there announced by Herbert Commer and his two brothers (3-10-1951 16/7)
Poor plant income $111,858 (6-4-1951 13/6)
Fire guts Neutze Furniture Company; damages Lincoln Hotel (12-23-1951 12/4)
Fort Collins to have new Busley store (4-23-1953 55/8)
Safeway sues to sell milk in Fort Collins (9-22-1953 29/1)
Woodward Governor Company opens branch office, hires only students from college (3-16-1955 52/2)
Forney Industries Inc. to manufacture Aercoupe single-engine airplanes (4-4-1955 44/5)
Construction of $5 million Ideal Cement Company plant expansion, the Boettcher plant, is set for Fall (8-2-1955 40/7)
Silvaire Uranium and Aircraft Company to build $100,000 plant (8-17-1955 72/4)
Fort Collins' Co-op nursery--parents operate pre-school to cut costs (9-11-1955 40/3)
Building of Aircoupe by Forney Manufacturing to be first since 1920s (3-5-1956 44/4)
Control of First National Bank sold to Transamerica Corporation of San Francisco (5-1-1956 44/5)
Way cleared to sell milk in Safeway stores (12-20-1956 29/1)
Court allows raw milk sale (2-1-1958 18/7)
Boettcher & Company, Bosworth, Sullivan & Company and Coughlin & Company have purchased $1,325,000 issue of Fort school building bonds (5-6-1958 43/6)
Re Fenwick's West (5-12-1958 17/3)
Part of Fenwick's West (5-14-1958 25/4)
New battery accessory plant opens (8-3-1958 4/1 E)
Gets second radio station, KZIX (1-15-1959 32/3)
Fort Collins Country Club--Golf club buys farm (5-22-1959 22/8)
Work begins Monday on First National Bank at West Oak and Mason (10-12-1959 16/2)
The first Colorado-Big Thompson water started flowing into Horsetooth reservoir last week. It came from Estes Park by way of the Big Thompson River and the Horsetooth canal. See related material from the 1950s. Illustration showing mechanics of project (in file).
Fort Collins Soil Conservation District prepared for annual meeting Feb. 22 (2/16/1950 32/3)
Editorial on Ft. Collins spirit in the Brannan farm program (6-17-1950 12/1)
Hosts to the Colorado Flying Farmers Association (8-18-1951 60/2)
3,000 farmers and state officials meet at annual Farmers-Merchants Party (3-26-1955 16/4)
Flying Farmers set annual convention Friday and Saturday (3-27-1955 8/8 AA)
Ten houses and lots in the Bureau of Reclamation Village being offered for sale (4-6-1955 44/2)
National seed bank at Ft. Collins being sought as aid to research (2-15-1956 56/4)
GSA awarded architectural contracts for agricultural department installations (11-29-1956 3/1)
Farm meet of American Institute of Cooperation here August 18 to 21st (7-10-1957 56/4)
Died 11/21/1953. Frank C. Miller (Fort Collins pioneer & colorful Westerner of many careers), lost his battle with cancer early Saturday. His foe was heart disease, which had afflicted him for several years. Death came to him at the Larimer County Hospital at 5:15 A.M. Saturday. He was taken there shortly before noon on Friday, after suffering a heart attack while visiting his physician. Mr. Miller was 67.
"FATHER GOOSE" SCRAPBOOK-letters by D.E.W. & Lee E. Yeager
Gurney Crawford (in 1951), was a conservation officer for the Colorado Department of Game & Fish. It was located on an 80 acre tract of marsh & weed grown land, near Wellington. The land would provide excellent cover (for Winter or for nesting purposes) for ducks, pheasants and cottontail rabbits. Gurney saw the need for rest areas for Canadian geese in the Fort Collins area.
His efforts brought him region-wide recognition for work in trapping and banding ducks and geese. He also was given credit for re-establishing a large resident population of Canadian geese in N.E. Colorado. His efforts earned him the name of "Father Goose". In 1972, there was a resident flock of about 2,000. In 1973, Crawford received the American Motors Conservation award.
Orville P. Kelly, in 1955 was still serving as Chief of the Fort Collins Police Department after 19 years on the job. On Aug. 19th, 1955, he was awarded the annual "Gold Seal of Progress" award. This award is based on the length of service in law-enforcement, youth activities, police traffic control programs, control of vice, gambling & other civic activities. He came to Fort Collins in 1925, being appointed as deputy sheriff. He was elected Sheriff in 1928 and served a four year term. He was appointed Police Chief in 1937. In 1954, he was President of the Police Protection Association, which led to this award. The City Police Department won 3rd place in the American Automobile Association's annual competition for Pedestrian Safety in both 1953-54. In 1955 the Department won seventh place in the traffic safety contest sponsored by the National Safety Council. Other activities were: Sponsoring of a Boy Scout Troop at the Mountain View School, Junior & Traffic Patrols at the City Schools, Safety Program at the Elementary Schools, the adaptation of the State's Model Traffic code & Pedestrian Safety Programs. Kelly was a member of the Fort Collins Safety Council, past President of the Community Chest. The "Community Kiwanis Builder of the Year" award was presented in 1955. Kelly's background: Married, one daughter. Member of First Presbyterian Church. Orville P. Kelly stepped down as police chief at the age of 72, after 25 years of service.
COLORADOAN (8/11/1957)
Courthouse opened in 1957. City Hall cornerstone laid 8/20/1957.
COLORADOAN (1/27/1982)
In 1899, C. R. Welch built a magnificent home, at the N.W. corner of College & Mulberry. Unfortunately, the house had to yield to the building of a Safeway Store. Corwin R. Welch, was the son of Jacob Welch. He bought out his brother's (Wilbur) interest in a Welch block store shortly after moving from Greeley to Fort Collins in 1883. He had been one of the founders of Greeley (like his Father) where they had continued business success. The store was rebuilt after an 1885 fire. C. R. Welch continued in the business until the 1890s, becoming one of the town's most prosperous business people. We now ZOOM forward 50 years. A resolution to proceed towards construction was passed on 10/12/1952. Architect Roland Linder was contracted.
COLORADOAN (3/17/1955)
Construction of Larimer County's new courthouse, got under way at 8:00 A.M. Wednesday 3/17/1955. Workmen for the M. W. Watson Construction Co. began excavating the basement on the building site, on the Oak Street side of the courthouse square (see photo).
COLORADOAN (8/16/1964)
It was built without a bond being issued. Saved money ahead & earned interest to the amount of 10 percent of the cost of the building. It was dedicated 8/11/1957.
9/28/1953. Citizens were asked for ideas on location, majority of those chose the south side of the Courthouse Square facing Oak Street. Contracts for main building totaled about $1,029,000; for jail & welfare building (begun later) $325,000. Furnishings ran $98,147. It was paid for when completed, the building levies from 1946 addition were used to pay for the structure.
COLORADOAN (8/16/1957 & 6/8/1958)
Construction began in August of 1957; it was dedicated in June of 1958 and located at 300 LaPorte Avenue. It replaced the building, which had been used since 1882, when the town had 2,000 inhabitants. The town now has 25,000. New features include: A drive-up pay window for utility bills, homeroom demonstrations, facilities for the health department, City attorney's office, lab for inspection of water & food. Functions of the different City departments were given in a brochure.
MUSEUM (CENTENNIAL-RED) SCRAPBOOK (page 8, 9; see envelope in front cover)
Framed by a convention, attended by 21 people. Accepted by popular vote in special election.
Miller collection-COLORADOAN
Fort Collins voters (in the first City election held under the 1954 City Charter) chose William H. Allen, Robert W. Sears, Frank Aydelotte, J. Morris Howell and Roland A. Ellis to the new City Council.
COPIRG CITY REPORT (1975, page 7)
Under home rule provisions of Article XX of the Colorado Constitution, Fort Collins established a new City Charter in 1954 as they began the council-manager form of government. In the council-manager form of government (as distinguished from a mayor-council form) corporate authority & decision making powers reside with the elected council. The mayor is elected from within the council and may vote on matters before the council. The title of mayor is honorific, unlike the vast discretionary powers given to the mayor in a mayor-council form of government. In the council-manager form of government, the mayor simply presides over general meetings and acts as the ceremonial executive of the city at official gatherings. However, the actual administration of the city is compared to a full time city manager, who is hired & fired by the council. The city manager attends ALL the council meetings, but does not vote or otherwise participate. Except, at the pleasure of the council.
FORT COLLINS YESTERDAYS-Swanson (page 245-246, 254)
Reform in city government had been gaining headway since the 1940s. Each of the Commissioners worked on one phase of city government, so in the joint meetings his knowledge helped in decision making. Later, council people were able to learn only after the election. A tremendous proportion of their time was required to study all parts of Government. The constant pressure from the voters (emotional over trivial details or lacking in realistic business experience) kept their telephone lines jingling. They worked hard & government experts came from everywhere to study the progress in Fort Collins, despite its' weaknesses. There were several areas where public & private interests so overlapped that very few people really knew what was happening. The frugal system of hiring a part-time city attorney, meant that this individual had to build up his private practice. This was needed for a financial base. The possibility of a conflict of interest, made the city's arrangements for legal advice a questionable economy. The City thus gradually moved to the city manager type of government, in spite of reluctant voters. In the 1950s, the women again played an important role in local politics. The National League of Women Voters was a development of the 1920s, after the Women's Suffrage amendment to the Federal Constitution. Dorothy Heyman and others formed a local club in 1951. Their first task was analysis of the local government. The need to update the charter to fit the actual situation was apparent. Good voter education helped win support. The supporters carried the amendment and the city manager's job was formally recognized. He could appoint and remove ALL city employees except the city-attorney & the municipal judges, so the responsibility was centered. The fact that Palmes (see "City Government" in the 1930s) continued in office until 1961, fulfilling a term of 22 years, meant the new charter did not seem to have a drastic effect on the town.
Mayors: 1948-1954 Robert W. Hays
1954-1955 C. H. Alford
1955-1957 William H. Allen-First mayor under council-mayor form of government, provided by the 1954 charter.
1957-1959 Robert W. Sears
1959-1961 Jack G. Harvey
City Manager 1939-1961 Guy Palmes
Miller Collection - COLORADOAN (Page 527)
Convention deliberated 56 days, had 16 sessions. Convention was the 2nd of its' kind in Fort Collins. The 1st was in 1913, when the home rule was written.
COLORADOAN -also see "City Government" in FORT COLLINS YESTERDAYS-Swanson
There was a special election on Sept. 21 (actually held on Tuesday 10/6/1954).
The election concerned the new charter & a water fluoridation plant being planned. These were the BIGGEST of CHANGES!!!!!! 1) Establishment of the city manager form of Government; 2) Enlargement from 3 to 5 Commissioners of City Council. Fluoridation of city water supply was defeated 2,423 to 1,459 votes. Departments created by the charter: finance, fire, health, municipal public utilities, parks & recreation, police, public works, & aviation--the only "entirely new function." The vote on the charter passed 2,133 to 1,834. The fluoridation plant failed 2,423 to 1,459.
COLORADOAN (8/16/1959 page 5-A)
The size of the City doubled between 1944 & 1959 as a result of the postwar building boom & the annexation of the CSU campus.
Going to recheck bureau's figures (5-8-1950 16/6)
Gains 2,675 residents between 1940 and 1950 (6-15-1950 40/5)
Four men arrested for bootlegging there (6-20-1950 3/1)
Steam turbo-generator installed in city (8-1-1950 15/2)
Rent ceilings lifted (9-30-1950 16/5)
Asked council to legalize sale of beer on holidays (12-12-1950 30/2)
Wins first place in its population class in the U. S. Chamber of Commerce National Fire Prevention Contest (4-9-1951 12/6)
Wilbur B. Foshay hired as manager of Chamber of Commerce (10-12-1951 2/4)
No place to expand; Ft. Collins complains of growing pains (3-11-1952 40/1)
T. P. Treadwell, Fire Chief, to retire (8-2-1952 16/8)
Forty acres of grass burned in fire (1-27-1953 44/1)
$1 million structure to replace Larimer County Courthouse (3-3-1953 40/1)
Profile to be in Sunday Post (3-17-1953 40/7)
Empire profile (3-22-1953 1/1 AA)
Arthur A. Anderson, Finance Chief, to resign; successor to be announced (12-25-1954 15/7 SC)
Griffith Sporting Goods robbed of $1,183.50 in miscellaneous items (3-27-1955 23/2)
City move to sign up fringe residents for annexation petitions according to water (5-31-1955 44/2)
Water shut-off set Friday by rebelling "fringe area" water users (6-2-1955)
Stockholders of Parkview Pipeline Association support firm in water fight (6-2-1955 72/5)
Fringe rebels file suit in fight with city (6-3-1955 52/7)
Maud Atkinson Nursing Home had its' water cut off in dispute over annexation policies (6-3-1955 52/7)
It's all quiet, temporarily, in Ft. Collins water war (6-4-1955 16/7)
Forces ready for new row in water case (6-8-1955 72/6)
Forney and city reach agreement (6-10-1955 56/4)
Lined up Colorado Municipal League to back them in its' battle with fringe runners (7-1-1955 44/2)
Relaxed lawn sprinkling regulations went into effect here (7-2-1955 16/4)
To vote on school bonds (7-6-1955 52/6)
Town representative appeared before jury selecting National Municipal League "All American City." (7-25-1955 42/8)
Water row intensifies (8-10-1955 52/7)
"How Ft. Collins solves the Kid Crime Problem," by Pauline Birky (8-21-1955 12/1 M)
City building permit value near 1954 total in eight months (9-7-1955 52/8)
Continuance granted to residents protesting establishment of Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Recreation Dist. (9-20-1955 52/8)
City Council set December 13 for special election on proposed city charter amendment on buying buses (9-23-1955 60/8)
Approves $700,000 school bond (9-28-1955 52/1)
Fort Collins suit on water rejected (10-4-1955 44/8)
To vote on bus service after January 1 (12-12-1955 48/8)
Water issue to go on trial March 19 (1-10-1956 42/1)
Sets all-time building record for January (2-7-1956 40/6)
Conversion of telephone system to dial operation slated (2-7-1956 40/8)
City water service case to go on trial Monday (3-16-1956 56/1)
City Council decides to build city hall in Washington Park (3-16-1956 56/7)
Water, annexation stir up row (3-17-1956 18/4)
Water trial nearing end (3-21-1956 56/6)
Water suit taken under advisement of Judge Dale Shannon (3-22-1956 76/7)
Dr. Honstein and Victor Schilling named to council (4-3-1957 40/1)
County dedicates $1.6 million new courthouse structure (4-4-1957 72/4)
Robert W. Sears elected mayor (4-11-1957 page 23)
Mailmen average two dogbites a month (7-12-1957 52/4)
City Hall cornerstone to be laid on 93rd anniversary (8-17-1957 16/6)
To vote January on the bus system expansion (8-30-1957 1/5)
Has a pay-as-you-go philosophy (10-15-1957 52/1)
City holds farm party (3-22-1958 18/4)
Petitions filed demanding cigarette tax be repealed or put to vote of people (9-27-1958 18/3)
$300,000 issue for sewer improvement sold to Boettcher & Company (12-22-1958 41/4)
Suburban water users win suit (3-16-1959 17/5)
Jack Harvey named Fort Collins mayor (4-15-1959 51/6)
Greeley resists water program of Fort Collins (5-25-1959 20/1)
Chief building engineer there reports building permits first five months double 1958 pace (6-17-1959 12/7)
Senate confirms Walter H. Wyss as Postmaster (8-28-1959 14/3)
DEMOCRACY'S COLLEGE-Hansen (pages 396-398, 417)
Development of the Foothills campus; CSU Research Foundation (CSURF) started 1941; new Agronomy & animal husbandry farms (Ridgen farm, etc.); Computer Center begun 1958; Fine Arts Series started; State Forest Service under State Board of Agriculture; Honors program started under Professor Willard O. Eddy. The construction was a phase of increasing emphasis on Liberal Arts.
DEMOCRACY'S COLLEGE-Hansen (pages 380-388)
Legislature OKs new building levy in 1955. Engineering center ready in 1957. The first Doctoral program & Civil engineering both were established in 1951. First Doctor's degree (engineering) to A. R. Chamberlain in 1955. A & M College became Colorado State University by legislative act, effective May 1, 1957.
DEMOCRACY'S COLLEGE-Hansen (page 397)
Revenue bonds issued to finance
DEMOCRACY'S COLLEGE-Hansen (page 390-392)
Leadership by Dean Andrew Clark. "Outside" funding obtained for research projects. Water resources research & foreign projects.
See the photo of the irrigation lab.
Miller Collection-COLORADOAN (page 777)
William R. Kreutzer of Fort Collins, the first U.S. forest ranger, will receive an honorary degree of doctor of science at the Colorado A & M College Commencement Friday.
DEMOCRACY'S COLLEGE-Hansen (pages 375-377)
A post-war surge in student enrollment caused building & financial problems. Brought pressure for the liberal course to supplement technical courses. A conflict between the "broad gauge" vs. the "narrow gauge" educational theory ensued. An extensive building was started. See photo in the museum files.
COLORADOAN (2/8/1970, CSU-Centennial issue 3A)
Dr. William E. Morgan became the 8th president of Colorado Agricultural & Mechanical College in 1949. The immediate problem that faced Morgan was the numerous groups of people (on & off campus) who willingly accepted a subordinate role for the College in Colorado's higher Education. They were opposed by those who could not envision a rapid growth rate for the school. It was Morgan who pleaded the case for a name change for the school. He felt that the school was too diversified to continue being called Colorado A & M. In May 1957, The school was named "Colorado State University".
Annexing of Colorado A & M campus considered (10-23-1955 3/3)
C.S.U. honors its' foreign students (11-22-1957 64/4)
COLORADOAN (4/15/1984, Crossroads section)
Elks Club had a fund-raising campaign to raise money for the pool as the City had no money for it. Elks had minstrel show to raise money. Desire for pool a response to youngsters drowning while swimming in irrigation ditches.
EMPIRE MAGAZINE (8/21/1955, pages 12-13)
Community Chest organization is providing recreational resources & activities for Fort Collins youth (a Recreational program has been in effect since 1945). It had a budget of $87,000 in 1955. Commission included the city manager, school superintendent, a city councilman, a school board member, boys & girls from the Youth Center (Club Tico) & five elected members representing Community Organizations. Community groups who helped included: the Elks who built the swimming pool, the Lions & Kiwanis who came through with football uniforms, the Garden Club who made paintings, and other groups that contributed athletic fees and a small fee for handicrafts. Program credited with contributing to the drop in juvenile delinquency rate 28% in the past two years, while the rate increased nationally.
Garden clubs foster title of "Lilac City" (2-5-1950 25/6)
Ft. Collins Ministerial Alliance deplores hysteria over Dr. Frederick Stamm (10-18-1950 30/3)
School fund vote seen in January (1-13-1951 48/4)
Opens beautification drive (3-18-1951 18/4)
Designates April 1-15 as this year's "Lilac planting time." (no date given)
$600,000 school issue voted in Fort Collins (1-24-1952 40/9)
Three joint bidders buy $600,000 school bond issue (2-29-1952)
Field of 833 preps entered in state meet at the Ft. Collins N. S. Invitational (5-2-1952 32/5)
$383,745 school addition set (5-21-1952 38/4)
Racing club to invest $1,000 in new speedway (2-20-1953 48/5)
150 Camp Fire girls tour Denver (3-17-1953 29/7)
Frank J. Shantz, banker, takes two relatives to view his bank, accidently locked up for 45 minutes (6-23-1953 44/1)
Businessmen and students to mark Hobo Day (7-22-1953 52/6)
Grass roots symphony (11-22-1953 14/1 Mag)
KCOL contest chooses Scott Peterson and wife as Neighbors of 1953 (11-26-1953 6/1)
Second graders in school study Spanish (2-20-1955 7/1 M)
Annual arts and crafts exhibit held in May is something the entire family flocks to see (6-19-1955 6/1 Mag)
Orchestra study set for American Symphony Orchestra League (1-18-1956 52/8)
Annual Merchants-Farmers party March 23 (3-17-1957 25/1)
100 Blue Birds and Campfire Girls to make annual visit to Denver (3-18-1957 37/1)
Plans for merger of two schools dropped (4-11-1957 18/1)
Eight schools to enter golf tourney this weekend (5-23-1957 50/8)
Married students in Ft. Collins High School barred from sports and extracurricular activities (7-2-1957)
J. Ray French, principal, refuses to name gridder banned on account of being married (7-3-1957 16/4)
Editor: High Schools limited (7-3-1957 16/4)
The Coloradoan to print School Board minutes (8-1-1957 63/6)
Schools use Aetna Drive-trainer to teach rudiments of driving (9-22-1957 6/1 M)
Chamber of Commerce to hear Dr. Carl S. Winters of Oak Park, Ill. (1-9-1958 26/1)
Education Board urges speed on second junior high (1-17-1958 27/1)
Sputniks fascinate even second graders at Ft. Collins (2-13-1958 15/1)
Fort Collins High School winning debaters named (4-1-1958 13/1)
Fort Collins boosts salaries of teachers (5-23-1958 25/4)
Citizens' Committee for Public Schools wins first prize in contest (1-7-1959 17/3)
Ft. Collins schools 'citizens' receive national honor award (1-20-1959 13/4)
Builds school in honor of Dr. David B. Lesher (3-30-1959 13/2)
Industrial fair set this week at Fort Collins (5-18-1959 38/8)
COLORADOAN (8/5/1951)
Flash floods killed 7 in Larimer County caused about $1 million in damage (includes estimated $270,000 at Colorado A & M) as almost 3 inches of rain fell in the storm; there was also an accompanying electrical storm on August 3rd.
COLORADOAN (6/26/1952)
$4 million in damage done to crops in hailstorm, for a 20 mile radius around Fort Collins. It was said to be the most destructive storm ever seen here by farmers.
COLORADOAN (2/4/1982)
February 1st 1951 41 degrees below zero.
New record of precipitation during July set in Ft. Collins (8-3-1950 56/1)
Forest fire checked 12 miles west of there (7-21-1956 16/1)
"Flying saucer" visible for 37 minutes; might be planet Mars (8-27-1956 48/6)
Light in sky appears again; seen in Loveland and Wyoming also (8-30-1956 64/7)
25 fight forest fire in Roosevelt National Forest near Ft. Collins (9-7-1956 60/1)
MUSEUM (KELLY II) SCRAPBOOK (3/29/1950 pages19 & 31)
"Cities back plan to vaccinate dogs, bag surplus scraps." Other articles on this topic follow for two pages.
1) Appointment of a committee of 3 veterinarians to arrange for holding clinics on innoculating in various parts of the county. 2) Emergency resolution will provide for the confinement of dogs by their owners and give county the authority for impounding and vaccination of strays. 3) A rabies warning is to be broadcasted. 4) The veterinarian fee is set at $2.00. 5) The establishment of more county pounds. The surplus strays seem to be a MAJOR PROBLEM!!!!!! Further details of this problem are available on page 20--dog pound, how to be involved, tags required. 1) Dog owners here must obtain 1951 City licenses for their animals by April 16th to avoid having them impounded. 2) A City ordinance requires all persons owning dogs (4 months or older) to obtain a City dog license each year. The fee cost is $2.00 for males, $4.00 for females. A penalty of $1 is added for all licenses bought after May 1st. Starting April 16th, they picked up ALL stray or unlicensed dogs running loose on the street.
COLORADOAN (4/14/1984, Crossroads Section 9)
Hospital Fundraising campaign "a community effort to raise $1 million-plus to establish the modern base for Poudre Valley Hospital." The Hospital Fund raising campaign occurred in conjunction with legislation establishing hospital districts (said Bill Michael), the long-time hospital board chairman. Until then, city government had owned and run Poudre Valley Hospital. Pressure was brought to get the county out of the hospital business. Impetus was given to the volunteer effort, Michael recalled.
Miller collection -COLORADOAN (4/7/1955, Book 4 page 718)
Dr. David B. Lesher (Fort Collins School Superintendent ) helped Davis Snyder (victim of a crippling disease) turn the first soil for the new home of Gateway (Larimer County's Occupational Therapy Center) to be erected west of Laurel School.
Fort Collins boy, Chester Latham, hurt by flying pipe (17 5-9-1958 23/4)
COLORADOAN (5/28/1967)
Lengthy article titled Ku Klux Klan White-robed Knights Once Roamed in Larimer
Latin Americans claim race ban at Ft. Collins (5-14-1950 17/3)
Story on Fort Collins again being accused of race bans by Ruben Valdez (5-25-1950 10/5)
COLORADO TROLLEYS-Feitz & Leland (pages 39-42)
It was the last system in Colorado to end operation; the end came in 1952 after several repairs. Actually, the line had lost the City money for several years. It was generally known that the cars were not in a good state of repair. What made it even worse for the old line was a competing bus company. This independent company was interested in establishing a broad new transit systems for the growing city, a very personal kind of transit system. The little cars often stopped at will between the regular stops (along the city's tree lined avenues), to accommodate the people. While an effort was made to maintain a schedule, one rider recalls how the cars weren't always on time. He admitted that it didn't make much of a difference.
MUSEUM (EXTRA SCRAPBOOK)-Mrs. Floe (June 28th)
Yesterday was the last day for streetcars to run (San Juan Express). The streetcars were a money losing proposition and the people were sorry to see them abandoned. The upkeep of the tracks proved to be too costly! Buses were installed by the Bussard Company on June 28th, 1951. After a run of 4 years, their service ended on December 31st, 1955 as Bussard ended operations.
The five streetcar drivers became bus drivers--F. O. Beeler, Swen Undem, H. Dave Busch, Charles O'Laughin & Charles Anderson.
Trolley junking ballot slated (3-14-1950 35/1)
Fort Collins to get buses (6-28-1951 72/4)
Improved flying field to be dedicated April 3rd (3-23-1955 52/1)
Transit plan killed (12-14-1955 72/8)
Improvement Association asks state to consider aiding city move of Colorado & Southern Railroad tracks through city (8-4-1959 18/6)
Fort Collins bus service quits again (8-14-1959 13/7)
Public meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday on moving Colorado & Southern Railroad tracks (8-25-1959 21/1)
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